Category Archives: Business

Importance of Quality Cleaning Services

Companies sometimes ask why they should take the time to research quality cleaning services for their buildings. Investing in high quality services for cleaning Minneapolis will yield dividends in reducing maintenance costs, improving output, and minimizing health insurance costs.

Protect Physical Plant Assets

A building contains many kinds of finishes in the floors, walls, and ceilings. These finishes need to be treated with the correct cleaning solutions. An incorrect choice of chemicals could lead to damage that requires hundreds of dollars to repair.

In addition, items that are cleaned properly have a longer useful life. Getting an extra year or two out of desks may make up for the extra expense of a good cleaning service. Some items, such as computers and HVAC units, are especially sensitive to dust.

It’s possible that a poor cleaning job could create hazards for which a company would be liable. Debris may cause visitors to trip. A forgotten stack of papers near a heater could catch fire.

Improve Employee Productivity

Clean, organized work settings make it easier for employees to concentrate on tasks. Employees will also take fewer sick days if the environment does not make them sick.

Investing in a good cleaning service conveys to employees the message that you value their presence in the company. Improved employee morale reduces expensive turnover.

Customers gain a first impression of your business through the condition of your building. Attractive spaces convey an image of professionalism and competence. As a result, it is easier to sell your services or product. 

Reduce Health Care Costs

A clean work environment produces less stress. The lower stress results in fewer health care bills for both physical and mental conditions.

Unsanitary environments harbor germs and attract pests. These issues also increase health costs. 

Cleaning a building may seem like a simple task to delegate to the lowest bidder. However, taking the time to investigate quality cleaning services will yield greater value to a company that seeks to improve its bottom line.

3 Ways to Show Employee Appreciation

Running a successful small business means more than having the right products and services for customers. It means also having the tools and resources necessary to cater to your employees’ needs and well-being as well. You want your workers to respect the company, their roles, and to help maintain a good company culture. If you want your workers to feel appreciated and better motivated to perform their jobs, take heed of the following ways to show them some appreciation.

Try a Rewards System

Having a rewards system in place can dramatically improve worker motivation. Give your employees short and long-term goals they can work towards and be prepared to recognize them for their contributions and hard work. Include prizes, such as executive gift baskets, gift cards and other items that your workers would be thrilled to receive.

Use Team Building Activities

Regardless of the type of work your employees perform, adding team building activities into the mix can help to improve morale, employee relationships, creativity and productivity. Find out what type of activities your workers are interested in and think about how they can help improve things at work. Look into corporate events and functions and other resources to find team building and networking activities that are suited for your organization’s goals.

Implement an Awards and Recognition System

Show employees that you value their time and efforts by recognizing them with awards and offering certification opportunities to improve their marketability. The more resources you have in place to highlight employee achievement and enhance learning, the less you’ll have to worry about them going to work for another employer.

A good worker is one who feels valued by the organization they represent. Make sure you keep a focus on maintaining a good and mutually rewarding relationship with your workers, so their appreciation reflects in their work efforts, making it a win-win for everyone.

Three Essential Considerations for Opening a Gas Station

Vehicle usage has risen steadily over the past 50 years. Investing in gas station ownership has great income potential. Careful research and planning are of the utmost importance. Before making the leap, here are three things to take into account.

Where to Build

Success will depend heavily on where you operate your business.  Visibility, daily traffic volume and population density are significant factors in assessing potential profits. Nearby competition is also an important consideration. Will yours be the only gas station around for miles, or will you compete with several others nearby? Are you located near other types of businesses that are conducive to strong fuel sales?  You also need to make sure that local zoning regulations or deed restrictions permit gas station construction and operation in your desired area.

Photo by Maarten van den Heuvel on Unsplash

Securing Permits

Another important consideration is getting permission to build a fuel center. Not only will you need to secure construction permits, but you will also need operation permits that cover your business. For example, suppose you’re planning to have a convenience store attached to the gas station, but you’re authorized to sell gasoline only. You would be in violation of local regulations and codes which could kill the project. Moreover, operating underground storage tanks may require special training, certification and documentation.


You’ll also need to work with a contractor that is qualified to build gas stations. Although selecting the least expensive bid sounds appealing, make sure that the bidder has correctly accounted for all construction provisions. Oversights in this part of the process can lead to delays and added costs that may negatively affect profitability. Coordinating with the right gas and retail companies also demands research. Some corporations may have certain conditions for partnership, which may affect your schedule and bottom line.

Owning a fuel business can be quite lucrative. The potential for risk and reward are both significant. Comprehensive planning and evaluation of location, securing proper paperwork and ideal partnering improve your chances of a successful outcome.