Category Archives: Environment

Eco-Friendly Ideas for Retail Businesses

Many small business owners want to do their part to help the environment, not just because they want to do the right thing, but also because their customers expect it. There are several changes you can make to create an eco-friendlier business.

Eco-friendly Shopping Bags

Packing Material

When a customer makes a purchase, train your employees to ask if they want a bag. Often a customer will be happy to put small items into their purse or backpack. Bulky items often don’t need a bag either. It’s just as easy to carry out the item bagless. When customers do want their purchases bagged, provide them with environmental shopping bags that are easy to recycle or reuse. Even though colorful tissue paper is pretty, consider wrapping delicate items in newspaper or shredded paper.

Receipts and Coupons

Receipts can easily be emailed to customers, cutting down on unnecessary paper use. Some customers are wary about agreeing to this because they fear their inbox will be flooded with unwanted emails. Assure customers that receipt lists are kept separate from business promotion email lists so that they are more willing to try out this paper-free service. In addition, create scannable coupons that loyal customers can use via text or email. This will enable you to bypass or cut down on mail-outs.


Get rid of incandescent bulbs in favor of more energy-saving light bulbs which can last up to 25 times longer. When possible, use natural light in your store and turn some of the overhead lights off completely.

Break Room

In the break room, ditch the soda machine in favor of a filtered water system. Encourage employees to bring refillable water bottles and provide package-free snacks such as fruit or even homemade cookies. Provide large clear storage jars and refill them with pretzels, nuts or anything that can be bought in bulk.

There are several things you can do to be more eco-friendly. Even one small change can be responsible for getting rid of large amounts of waste.

How To Be More Eco-Friendly

When you think about being more environmentally friendly, it can sometimes feel a little overwhelming. It doesn’t have to be a massive lifestyle change overnight, but there are small, everyday practices that you can easily apply to your life today. There are many ways to help the planet, like composting and contributing to your local community garden, but here are some basic tips to get you started and inspired.

Photo by Zoe Schaeffer on Unsplash

Grow Your Food

While the idea of growing your own food might sound daunting, it’s actually a great place to start implementing more environmentally-friendly practices into your daily life. Just grab a packet of seeds from your local store, some nutrient-rich soil, and you’re halfway there. Read up on some basic gardening and growing tips and amaze yourself with some fresh tomatoes, peppers, herbs, etc. in time.

Reusable Bags & Shopping Locally

Taking a reusable bag to the grocery store will inevitably cut back on so much plastic waste. Think back to the last time you went to the grocery store, how many plastic bags did you carry to your car? When you shop at a local grocery store, you support your neighbors and less emissions.

Solar Panels

By switching to solar panel installation New Jersey, for example, you will not only save big on your electricity bill especially over time, but you are also enabling the conversion of the sun’s solar rays into power for your home, just from your roof.

Re-purpose or Donate Old Clothes

Before you toss your old clothes, consider turning that old t-shirt into a rag, or selling items with life still left in them online. You can always donate clothes to local shelters or organizations for homeless people.

By thinking about all the ways you can be more eco-friendly in your life, it’s important to remember why you’re making the switch to a more eco-conscious lifestyle. The earth will thank you, and in all likelihood, so will you.