Category Archives: Gift Ideas

Something for the crew this Christmas

Image courtesy of Serge Bertasius Photography at

Image courtesy of Serge Bertasius Photography at

Are you a generous boss? Are you willing to give cellphones, desktop, or a musical instrument like a weather king to your loyal and deserving employees this Christmas? Well, that would be the best thing to do if you’re an employer who cares for the welfare of your staff. By recognizing their effort, the more they will be inspired to give their best foot forward.

But an extra cash for a performance bonus apart from the 13th month pay would surely be appreciated by your loyal employees. Think about it. 🙂

Healthy Accessories

I am not sure when this became a fad, but I know for sure that some of these beliefs dates back to the olden times and I guess you might have heard of stones and crystals that were believed to promote well-being and good health that some people wouldn’t mind spending a big chunk of money just to buy some and use them. Most of these stones and crystals were used on accessories like stainless steel watches, bracelets and bangles. Furthermore, another brand of healthy accessories come in the form of sleek and modern baller bands, that were believed to improve a person’s flexibility and over-all well-being once worn.

Valentine’s Day Gifts for Her

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Are you planning to give something grand to your wife or your girlfriend? If you are on a tight budget, maybe, you can opt to give the love of your life traditional gifts like flowers and chocolates. I’m sure she’ll love to receive any or both of these popular gift ideas.

Women, in general, are ecstatic to receive flowers from their boyfriend or husband.  And chocolates, she’ll be delighted to receive one too. You can give her dark chocolates. Why dark chocolates? Dark chocolates are not too sweet and yes, some people find them beneficial to the heart. I just read from another site that dark chocolates lowers blood pressure and reduce cell damage that causes heart condition.

Where to look for dark chocolates? You can check out for valentine’s day sweets gifts and I’m sure you’re special one will smother you with lots of hugs and kisses.

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! Make each day special to the people who matters to you…