Category Archives: Pregnancy

Alternatives to Naturally-Conceived Pregnancy

If you or someone close to you has ever struggled with fertility, you know all too well how much of an emotional toll it can be for a couple that is not able to conceive naturally as they may have planned. Luckily, for couples who want to start or continue growing their family, there are options available to help them move forward. 

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Fertility Treatments

One of the first steps many couples may take if they are struggling to conceive naturally is to see a fertility specialist. These professionals will often be able to determine the root cause of the problem and offer personalized options to best help the couple.

Fertility treatments may be an option for couples to consider to help address a wide variety of root causes. One of the most common treatments is in vitro fertilization during which the fertilization of the egg will occur in a lab and then it will be transferred into the uterus. IVF is recognized as having one of the highest success rates among assisted reproduction options.


Another option for couples could be to hire a surrogate mother. If using a surrogate, the child will still biologically be created from the father’s sperm and mother’s egg, but the embryo will be implanted and carried to term inside the surrogate’s womb.


For some couples, neither conceiving naturally nor undergoing fertility treatments may be an option. If this is the case, adoption is another great alternative to consider. By connecting with an agency, the couple will be guided along every step of the way. They may have the option to choose traits such as age, race, or gender of the child and be placed on a list of adoptive parents available to be matched with children who need to be adopted.

While struggling with infertility is not easy, there are a lot of alternative options for couples to consider to help them through the difficulties they may be facing while trying to have children. 

Pregnancy Nutrition – Foods You Need To Eat (And Avoid)

While pregnancy is the most beautiful experience of a woman’s life, we can all agree that it comes with its own set of challenges. There are a number of pregnancy do’s and don’ts that you need to follow. You need to make several lifestyle changes; beginning with quitting excessive coffee & tea and smoking & alcohol. Most importantly, you need to start eating healthier food, as the food that a mother consumes is the primary source of nutrients for the baby, which helps in its growth and development.

Including the right food in your diet is easier said than done as the options are endless. Thus, one of the best ways to figure out what to eat and avoid during pregnancy is to consult your OB/GYN, or another simple way is to follow the below-mentioned pregnancy nutrition checklist.

This checklist provides you with a list of foods that are essential for a healthier pregnancy as well as a list of foods that you should completely avoid. To give you an overview;

List of Foods to Eat

  • Dark Leafy Vegetables: This includes spinach, broccoli, kale etc. Adding dark leafy veggies to your diet is important as it prevents iron-deficiency anaemia and provides you with essential nutrients such as folate, fibre, vitamin C, K and A.
  • Lean Meat and Fish: Lean meat such as lamb, chicken and beef provides minerals & vitamins that aids in the development of the baby’s muscles, nerve and brain. Fish, salmon and sardines, in particular, provides DHA (omega-3 fatty acids) and high-quality protein, which helps in the development of the baby’s brain as well as eyes.
  • Dairy Products and Eggs: Milk, yoghurt, cheese are calcium-rich foods that should be a part of your diet, while eggs are a wholesome food that provides proteins and amino acids as well as other vitamin & minerals that are important during pregnancy.

List of Foods to Avoid

  • Raw Sprouts and Unwashed Veggies and Fruits: Since raw/unwashed veggies, fruits and sprouts can be contaminated with bacteria, it is important to wash/rinse and cook them thoroughly before consuming.
  • Undercooked Meat and Eggs: Likewise, to prevent severe bacterial infections, it is essential to eat only cooked meat/eggs during pregnancy.
  • Processed Foods and Street Food: These are the other types of foods that you should avoid during pregnancy as they may lead to digestive problems and other birth complications.

Check out the infographic below to know more about pregnancy nutrition.

Top Priorities Before Giving Birth

If you are expecting a baby, you are probably very excited. You are preparing to welcome a new person to the world, and that is something to celebrate. However, you may also be stressed with everything that you have to do to get ready for the baby. Keep these considerations at the top of your priority list as you prepare.

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Medical Concerns

You should seek medical advice throughout your pregnancy, whether it be from a doctor or a midwife. If you are not currently seeing a professional, make an appointment today. Prenatal medical experts help to ensure that you stay safe and that any health issues that arise are dealt with immediately. You also need to decide what kind of medical help you will use during the birth. You may give birth at your hospital, or you may seek an alternative such as a birthing center Tampa. Check with your insurance company to see what services are covered with your plan.

Work and Finances

If you are currently employed, check your employer’s parental leave policy. If you will have to return to work soon after the baby arrives, you will need to have daycare or babysitting lined up as soon as possible. Family and friends can help you while you are home and maybe even provide full-time childcare. Most working parents must pay a professional, though, and you should consider your finances and your options months in advance of when you will start to need assistance.


Babies can be breastfed or bottle-fed. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages based on your lifestyle. Before the baby comes, speak to your doctor or midwife about which option you want to try so that you can buy formula, a breast pump or any other supplies you may need.

Whether you are a first-time parent or a veteran, expecting a new baby is joyful and stressful. Prioritize these tasks and you will find that the rest of your preparations are much easier to accomplish.

Methods Of Childbirth

You are expecting your first child and have many decisions ahead of you as you prepare for his or her arrival. One of these items to debate over is the type of delivery that you want to have. Here are a few options to consider.

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Soothing Water

One type of childbirth is a water birth san antonio. In this method, the mother gets into a warm tub or pool of water to give birth in once labor has progressed significantly. The water mimics the womb when the baby arrives and can be soothing to the mother also.

Normal Childbirth

This type of delivery is a typical type of vagnial childbirth that is performed in the hospital. Medications can be used for pain or to progress labor and an episiotomy can be done if the mother has problems pushing the baby out. 

Natural Childbirth

Natural Childbirth is almost exactly like Normal Childbirth except that there are no drugs given and no surgical procedures performed. This delivery can be performed in a hospital or in the mother’s home if that is her wish. 

Squatting Birth

This method is also a vaginal birth but instead of reclining on a bed, the mother squats down and allows gravity to assist her in the delivery of her baby. Things can go very fast in a squatting birth and sometimes makes the labor easier.

Cesarean Section

Babies are born through a surgical procedure instead of a vaginal birth during a cesarean section. Also known as a C-section, the doctor makes an incision through the mother’s womb to reach the baby then pulls it out. While mothers can opt for this procedure, this is also used if either the mother or the baby falls into danger and the labor process becomes an emergency. One drawback to a C-section is that the recovery takes much longer than a vaginal birth.