Tag Archives: dental care

Choosing the Right Dentist for Your Kid

Going to the dentist can be very stressful for a child, especially if it is one of his or her first visits. It can also be stressful for parents when they worry about how their child will react to dental treatments. Finding the right kids dentist Jacksonville can make all the difference.

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The dentist that you choose should be a pediatric dentist who specializes in working with children from infants to teens. Having a dentist who specializes makes dental visits a positive experience that helps kids feel comfortable and safe going to the dentist. A pediatric dentist also knows how to adapt to kids who may feel anxious.

Positive Language

When looking for a kids dentist in Jacksonville, one of the first things to look for is how the dentist and staff talk to your child. You want the dentist and staff to talk in simple terms, ones that are positive and will not frighten your child. Whether your child needs a routine cleaning or a fix for a broken tooth, the dentist and staff should make your child comfortable throughout the entire process and explain the process in terms that will not scare a child.

Inviting Atmosphere

When finding the right pediatric dentist, look for a place that is fun and makes your kid feel comfortable and, if possible, excited to be there. A pediatric dentist office should use bright colors and fun themes to put your kid at ease from the moment he or she walks through the door.

Lasting Impression

Word of mouth can help you find the right kids dentist in Jacksonville. Ask others about their pediatric dentists. Look for testimonials from others who have used a certain office. Most importantly, find the one who makes your child feel comfortable, safe, and positive about going to the dentist. Choosing the right pediatric dentist helps to build a lifetime of good dental health

Keeping your baby’s teeth healthy


When a baby is born, taking good care of his or her teeth is often the last thing on parents’ minds. However, it is truly important to start caring for your child’s teeth from as early as infancy. Making sure that your baby is getting a healthy diet, avoiding dental dangers, and introducing a healthy dental care routine will all set the stage for healthy development of your baby’s teeth, even before they are visible.

The first step in keeping your baby’s teeth healthy begins as soon as he or she is born. Feeding your baby healthy and nutritious foods and using the correct feeding procedure, will prevent many future dental problems. Feed your baby breast milk or properly prepared formula for the first year of life. Avoid giving any sugary beverages, including fruit juice, sodas, or even supposedly healthy energy drinks. All of these liquids will introduce unnecessary sugar to your baby’s mouth, which will lead to tooth decay in the future. Your baby’s developing teeth will suffer for any sweet drinks he or she consumes.

Next, avoid a lifetime of problems by preventing them with proper dental habits. While using a pacifier is often recommended for the first few months of life, when babies need supplemental sucking opportunities, especially if they are fed with a bottle, the pacifier shouldn’t be used past age 2. Pacifiers should never be coated with any food or liquid, which will harm your baby’s growing teeth and encourage poor habits. Try to dissuade your baby from sucking their thumb by introducing the pacifier early, so that you will have better future control over this soothing device.

Finally, introduce proper dental hygiene and good education from a young age. Start by massaging your baby’s gums before his or her teeth come in, and follow up by using a soft bristled toothbrush. See a pediatric dentist for advice and instructions for your baby’s dental care. Keep up to date with current dental innovations, such as those found in recent journal of dentistry articles, including the well known Journal of Implant and Advanced Clinical Dentistry. Current research can give you and your dentist a unique insight into the best care practices for your baby’s teeth.

Start practicing good dental habits with your baby before they even start teething. The dental habits of youth can make all the difference. Your baby’s future dental health depends on you.

Image courtesy of Serge Bertasius Photography at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

The Fear Of The Dentist


As a parent, there might be times when you have to see the fear on your child’s face. It could be from going to the doctor or going to school to face a teacher that gives difficult homework. One of the things that you can help your child with is a fear of the dentist. There are a few tips that you can use to help children overcome getting the teeth cleaned while making them feel comfortable in the office so that they have the healthy and beautiful smile that they deserve.

The younger that you start taking children to the dentist, the easier it will be to get them acquainted with the staff who will be caring for them through childhood. Most dentists want to see children every six months, so your child will want to feel at home in the office. If there are any suspicions that your child doesn’t like the staff, then consider trying another dentist to see if it was just a personality conflict.

Don’t go into too many details about the first visit or if there is a visit where the child will need to get a lot of work done in the mouth, such as a filling. Keep explanations simple, and make sure the child understands that the dentist only wants to make sure the teeth and gums are healthy without causing any harm to the mouth. You can sometimes find a family Brooklyn NY dentist who will see both adults and children. This can give you a way to make an appointment together so that each of you are in the office at the same time.

Give a pretend visit so that your child knows a little about what to expect. Brush the teeth and floss them so that the child can see what it’s like for someone to work in the mouth. You can also get a doll, letting the child brush it’s teeth so that the child can do the same things that the dentist will do at the visit. Make sure the child knows of some of the terms that are used by the dentist, such as toothbrush, floss and mouthwash.

Image courtesy of arztsamui at FreeDigitalPhotos.net