Tag Archives: walking

How to Make Walking as Part of Exercise Enjoyable

Walking is a simple and effective form of exercise that can improve both physical and mental health. However, for some people, it can become monotonous and boring, making it difficult to maintain a regular walking routine. But it doesn’t have to be this way! In this article, we will explore some tips and strategies to make walking as part of exercise more enjoyable.

Photo by 30daysreplay on Unsplash

Vary Your Route

One of the easiest ways to make walking more enjoyable is to change your route. Exploring new paths, parks, and neighborhoods can be exciting and help you discover new sights and sounds. You can also plan your route around areas that have interesting things to see, like historical landmarks, botanical gardens, or public art installations. Consider using a walking app or website that suggests new routes and helps you keep track of your progress.

Get a Walking Buddy

Walking with a friend or family member can make the experience more social and enjoyable. It’s a great way to catch up on each other’s lives while getting some exercise. A walking buddy can also help you stay motivated and accountable, especially on days when you don’t feel like walking. Alternatively, you can join a walking group or club in your local community. This can be a great way to meet new people with similar interests and explore new areas.

Listen to Music or Podcasts

Listening to music or podcasts can be a great way to keep your mind engaged and focused while walking. Create a playlist of your favorite songs or podcasts that interest you and make sure you have a good pair of headphones. You can also listen to audio books or language lessons, which can be a great way to learn while walking.

Set Goals and Challenges

Setting goals and challenges for your walking routine can help you stay motivated and engaged. For example, you can challenge yourself to walk a certain number of steps or miles per day or week. You can also set goals for speed or time, such as trying to walk a certain distance in a shorter amount of time. Celebrate your achievements and milestones, no matter how small they may be.

Wear Comfortable Shoes and Clothes

Wearing comfortable shoes and clothes is important for a comfortable walking experience. Invest in a good pair of walking shoes that fit well and provide adequate support. Wear clothes that are appropriate for the weather and allow you to move comfortably. Consider wearing layers that you can remove or add as needed.

Practice Mindfulness

Walking can be a great opportunity to practice mindfulness and focus on the present moment. Try to be aware of your surroundings, notice the colors, sounds, and smells around you, and pay attention to your breath and body. Walking can be a great way to clear your mind, reduce stress, and improve your mental wellbeing.

In conclusion, walking can be a simple and enjoyable form of exercise that anyone can do. By varying your route, getting a walking buddy, listening to music or podcasts, setting goals and challenges, wearing comfortable shoes and clothes, and practicing mindfulness, you can make walking a more enjoyable and sustainable part of your exercise routine. Start small, be patient, and have fun!

Music and exercise

An old friend of mine is convincing me to start walking as form of exercise. Walking has helped her to lose some pound. She said that she was able to stand walking for several minutes by listening to music from her cellphone. She started downloading music, including sounds of bugera 333xl and play them repeatedly while walking. She said her type of music gets her in the mood to exercise.